Newsletter #1 July 4, 2010

Independence Day!

July 4 represents new beginnings to me. Not only does it celebrate the beginning of our nation, it is the holiday that follows the school year with the promise of some uninterrupted time to follow. Like New Year’s, it is a time in my year to pause for resolution-making and re-calibrating my life’s direction.

It is the perfect time to launch this newsletter to communicate with you about ways I’ve learned to accomplish my own personal growth goals, and to inspire you to accomplish yours! I’ll be sharing the sorts of insights and encouragement that I share with my clients to help you on your way toward your brightest, happiest and healthiest life.

Summer is also a perfect time to refocus on the importance of our relationships, and to build new habits for healthier, happier living.

I hope you find some ideas here that will contribute to the growth, healing and changes you are pursuing for your life.

It’s All About The Nero

The brain and the nervous system contain the “wiring” for all of our learning – and all of our bonding, attachment and relational patterns. It is a clear and simple fact, yet often overlooked, that the healthier our brain and nervous system are, the better we will feel, the brighter we will be, and the happier and healthier our relationships will be.

It is encouraging to realize that we can strengthen neural connections at any age.

Physical exercise is crucial for keeping our neural pathways strong. For those who struggle with symptoms of ADHD, learning disabilities and reactive attachment disorder, movement based therapies or neurofeedback can lay the groundwork for healing, as they establish and strengthen neural pathways that were not developed in infancy.

Research proves that cognitive behavioral therapy and other therapies that process blocked emotions when combined with a strong therapeutic counseling relationship also restructure neural pathways of bonding and learning.

It is exciting that we now know that the brain has plasticity and can change, heal and grow at any age, when previously it was believed that behavioral and learning patterns were fixed. I want to encourage you to develop a lifestyle to pursue your healthiest brain and to achieve your healthiest life.

Fish Oil For Everyone!

Because neurological health is so crucial for mental and relational health, I suggest to many of my clients that they do their own research and ask their doctors if fish oil supplements could enhance brain function to help with emotional healing and behavioral goals.

Top brain researchers now concur that omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil are essential for all human brain health. They are also demonstrating that better brain health means better health in every other area: physical, financial and relational.

Omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil have also been demonstrated to be antiinflamatory. Many people who struggle with the symptoms of depression and anxiety also seem to have co-occurring physical inflamation. Do your own research and ask your doctor. See if you also learn that fish oil is a wonderful substance, not only for our brains,but for our whole bodies. Just make sure to buy a top-grade product to avoid heavy metals and poor processing.

Four or Five Factors

A research team last year learned that most people in peak health can manage 4 or 5 major life factors before losing impulse control in an unrelated area. A major life factor is defined as a typical job, a role or relationship such as marriage or  parenting, a hobby or interest, or a service commitment. For each of our “heavier” factors, such as demanding careers or high need relationships, we can count two factors. We may be top achievers in all 4 or 5 of our main factors, yet have “leaks” in separate, unrelated areas.  Are we losing our temper more frequently?  Are we gaining weight?  Unable to lose weight? Do we lack self-control in areas of spending, substance use or sex?

Being “stuck” in a weaker area is an indication that something is out of balance.  Human beings are designed with limits.  Learning what our genuine limits or boundaries are can be one of the most freeing and empowering life journeys we can take, yet is often very challenging.  If you have areas where you can’t seem to get your life unstuck or under control, counseling can help. This is one of my areas of professional expertise, so don’t go it alone.  Help is available.

In up-coming newsletters I will continue exploring more with you about the principle of the four or five factors.  So stay tuned.

Mind Watching

When we learn to watch our own minds, we realize that sometimes the content of our thoughts is not all that helpful. This is especially true for people who struggle with anxiety, depression or anger.  It is also a common problem for those in distressed relationships or who perform stressful roles in parenting or careers.  There are also deep patterns in the minds of people with negative attitudes or who tend to be critical.

What is the relationship between our thoughts and our stress or our mental habits? Can habits of mind be changed?  Can life be experienced differently?  The answer is “yes.” Mind watching – or mindfulness – is an approach that can be learned and practiced.  Like riding a bike, we can develop skills that change not only the content of our thoughts, but the chemistry of our brains. If we have deep patterns from past traumas, depression, anxiety or other difficulties, cognitive therapy is a proven technique that brings healing change.

New thought patterns mean new approaches to how we relate to others and to our own lives. Wise counsel for mindfulness is also found in scripture, “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”  Philippians 4:8

I hope you enjoyed this edition of my newsletter from Columbia Crossing Counseling Services.  Please forward this to someone else who would benefit.

To learn more about my counseling practice, visit my webpage at

For scheduling appointments, either call 509-438-5955 or email

I hope your summer is both relaxing and enriching.

Be Well,


Summer Reading
With so much information and entertainment  coming to us electronically, when was the last time you read a good book? Summer is the perfect time to find a new gem. Any good reading that you enjoy will strengthen your brain. Here are my recommendations.

Change Your Brain, Change Your Body: Use Your Brain to Get and Keep the Body You’ve Always Wanted by Dr. Daniel Amen

The Relationship Cure: A 5 Step Guide to Strengthening Your Marriage, Family, and Friendships by John Gottman, Ph.D.

For Teens:
Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations by Alex & Brett Harris

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